Service Review Guide

The Service Review Guide follows Focus project methodology and provides a template service assessment model, which can be adapted to meet department or faculty needs, or to be used 'off the shelf' to help leadership teams address current service delivery and plan for the future.

The guide takes the user through each of the steps to carry out a locally led service review in a step-by-step way. There is detail where needed. The guidance covers the tools needed in each stage, such as stakeholder mapping tools and impact/effort tools to assist in the prioritisation of recommendations and the creation of action plans.​

Template documents are also provided, including the project plan to assist you in managing your review. 

The guide has been developed as part of Professional Services Together.

Who is the guide for?

The guide is for department and faculty leadership teams who may want to run their own, local service review. Find out more about locally led service reviews at Oxford.

Key documents

Additional resources

Service reviews team discussion pack

The service reviews team discussion pack is designed for use at meetings with senior colleagues and leadership teams to help you consider which of your services may benefit from a review. To aid your thinking, it provides a series of questions which act as a framework for the discussion, examples of recently completed service reviews and links to alternative tools and resources if a service review is not the appropriate tool at this time. 

Service review one-page summary

An overview of the service review process.

Get advice

If you would like any advice or guidance on getting started with your service review, please book a consultation meeting with the Focus team.